3 Rounds:
5 Dynamic Squat Stretches
5 Cossack Squats (each)
5 Elbow to Floor with Rotation (each)
5 Deadbug (each)
15 Second Leaning Child’s Pose (each side)
Athletes Notes
Every 2:30 x 3 sets
10 Tempo Object Lat Pullovers @2121 OR 10 Supermans with Scapular Retraction
45 second Wall Sit
*Use the wall sit as a warm up to the metcon
**Repeat from January 6, 2024
Athletes Notes
0:00 – 2:30 Complete 10 Tempo Object Lat Pullovers then complete a 45 second wall sit. Rest the remainder of time.
2:30 – 5:00 Repeat for set 2
5:00 – 7:30 Repeat for set 3
Demo Videos
- Object Lat Pullover – you can use any house hold or hotel item that adds resistance (like this backpack)
- OR Superman with Scapular Retraction
- Tempo Explanation – 2 seconds down, 1 second pause in bottom position, 2 seconds up, 1 second pause in top position.
- Wall Sit – hold yourself to the 90 degree standard. Don’t rest your arms on your legs and keep that back flat against the wall!
Scaled and Mayhem Moms
Every 2:30 x 3 sets
10 Object Lat Pullover – you can use any house hold or hotel item that adds resistance (like this backpack)
OR Superman with Scapular Retraction
30-45 second Wall Sit – if you need to go higher on the wall like a 45 degree angle, adjust to that
Every 2:30 x 3 sets
10 Tempo Dumbbell Lat Pullovers @2121
45 second Wall Sit
*Use the wall sit as a warm up to the metcon
**Repeat from January 6, 2024
Athletes Notes
RX – For our strength, we won’t have an RX weight. I want you selecting a weight that you can complete with the proper tempo. IF you complete exactly as written, then you can consider it RX.
0:00 – 2:30 Complete 10 Tempo Dumbbell Lat Pullovers then complete a 45 second wall sit. Rest the remainder of time.
2:30 – 5:00 Repeat for set 2
5:00 – 7:30 Repeat for set 3
Demo Videos
- Lying DB Pullover on Bench OR If you don’t have access to a bench, you can do this on the floor as RX: Dumbbell Pullover
- Tempo Explanation – 2 seconds down, 1 second pause in bottom position, 2 seconds up, 1 second pause in top position.
- Wall Sit – hold yourself to the 90 degree standard. Don’t rest your arms on your legs and keep that back flat against the wall!
Mayhem Moms
no modifications here. Complete as written.
5 Sets:
AMRAP 2 Minutes
100m Run
20 Alternating Leg V-Up
Max Air Squats in time remaining
-rest 1:00 between sets-
Athletes Notes
- Our score for this today is ONLY the max # of air squats we get each set.
Workout Strategy and Flow
- Run – be very smart here. We don’t want to sprint this, and then have to rest a bit before we can start our alternating leg v-ups.
- Alternating Leg V-Up – try your best to hang on and not stop moving. If you need a break, make it quick 🙂
- Air Squats are the main point of this workout. We want to accumulate as many as we can today, however we need to be smart about it. If we move in an unsustainable manner for the first 3 sets, we will likely fall off and not be able to stick with it for the final 2 sets. We should do sets of 15-20 with quick breaks shaking it out and then getting right back to it.
- I want you to have at least 40+ seconds to chip away at the squats. If you do not have 40 or more seconds, then we either need to scale the run or the progression of the alternating leg v-up movement.
0:00 – 2:00 Complete a 100m Run, 20 Alternating Leg V-Ups and in the time remaining complete max air squats.
2:00 – 3:00 Rest
3:00 – 5:00 Repeat for set 2
5:00 – 6:00 Rest
6:00 – 8:00 Repeat for set 3
8:00 – 9:00 Rest
9:00 – 11:00 Repeat for final set!
- Run –> if you feel like you are “bad” at running, we still want you to run. 🙂 Just focus on running 30 seconds, no matter the distance.
- If you don’t have space to run and the weather won’t allow for running outdoors, then we would suggest doing 30 seconds of High Knees or High Knees to Jumping Jacks
5 Sets:
AMRAP 2 Minutes
30 seconds of Standing Marches
20 Seated Toe Taps
Max Squat to Chair in time remaining
-rest 1:00 betweens sets-
Mayhem Moms
5 Sets:
AMRAP 2 Minutes
30 seconds of controlled High Knees to Jumping Jacks
20 Modified Alternating Leg V Ups
Max Air Squats in time remaining
-rest 1:00 betweens sets-
1:00 Pigeon Stretch (each)
1:00 Couch Stretch (each)
1:00 Child’s Pose
Athletes Notes