3 Rounds
15 Slow Reverse Snow Angels
10 Prone IYTs (each)
10 Scap Only Push Ups
5 Pike Push Ups or Incline Push Ups
Athletes Notes
- Reverse Snow Angels
- Prone IYTs – complete 10 of the Is, 10 of the Ys and 10 of the Ts
- Scap Only Push Up
- Pike Push Up or Incline Push Ups
Bodybuilding Style Work
3 sets:
10 Pike Push Ups or Kipping Handstand Push ups
10 Towel Rows or Banded Bent Over Rows or Kipping Pull Ups
-rest 1:30 after each set-
3 sets:
15 Chair Dips
15 Towel Bicep Curls or Banded Bicep Curls
-rest 1:30 after each set-
3 sets:
50ft Unbroken Object Farmer Carry OR 30 second Unbroken High Plank Hold
50ft Unbroken Object Overhead Carry OR 30 second Unbroken Pike Hold/ Handstand Hold
-rest 1:30 after each set-
**Score = emoji
Athletes Notes
Score an emoji for today and comment any modifications you made
Workout Strategy and Flow
- This is a Bodybuilding Style Work where you will do Supersets. These are NOT intended to be done for time but rather for quality!
- Have fun with this, challenge yourself and feel the pump!
- Pike Push Up OR Kipping Handstand Push Up
- Towel Rows OR Banded Bent Over Row OR Kipping Pull Up
- Chair Dip
- Towel Bicep Curls or Banded Bicep Curls
- Object Farmers Carry or High Plank Hold
- Object Overhead Carry or Pike Hold/Handstand Hold
- Pike Push Ups –> 10 Pike Shoulder Taps (L+R=1) or Bear Crawl Alternating Shoulder Taps (L+R=1)
Backpack Option
3 sets:
10 Backpack Shoulder to Overhead
10 Backpack Bent Over Row
-rest 1:30 after each set-
3 sets:
15 Backpack Skull Crushers
15 Backpack Bicep Curl
-rest 1:30 after each set-
3 sets:
30 second Unbroken Backpack High Plank Hold
30 second Unbroken Pike Hold/Handstand Hold (no backpack)
-rest 1:30 after each set-
Bodybuilding Style Work
3 sets:
10 Dumbbell Push Press (2×50/35)
10 Dumbbell Bent Over Row (2×50/35)
-rest 1:30 after each set-
3 sets:
15 Crush Grip Dumbbell Skull Crushers (50/35)
15 Crush Grip Dumbbell Bicep Curls (50/35)
-rest 1:30 after each set-
3 sets:
50ft Unbroken Double Dumbbell Farmer Carry (2×50/35)
50ft Unbroken Double Dumbbell Overhead Carry (2×50/35)
-rest 1:30 after each set-
Score = Emoji
Athletes Notes
Score an emoji for today and comment any modifications you made
Workout Strategy and Flow
- This is a Bodybuilding Style Work where you will do Supersets. These are NOT intended to be done for time but rather for quality!
- Have fun with this, challenge yourself and feel the pump!
- Dumbbell Push Press
- Double Dumbbell Bent Over Row
- Crush Grip Dumbbell Skull Crusher
- Crush Grip Dumbbell Bicep Curl
- Double Dumbbell Farmer’s Carry – if you don’t have space then you can complete as a 30 second hold
- Double Dumbbell Overhead Carry – if you don’t have space then you can complete as a 30 second hold
Mayhem Moms
3 sets:
10 Double Dumbbell Seated Strict Press
10 Double Dumbbell Bent Over Row
-rest 1:30 after each set-
3 sets:
15 Chair Dip or Wall Tricep Dips
15 Crush Grip Dumbbell Bicep Curl
-rest 1:30 after each set-
3 sets:
50ft Unbroken Double Dumbbell Farmer’s Carry or 30 second Hold
50ft Unbroken Double Dumbbell Front Rack Carry or 30 second Hold
-rest 1:30 after each set-
3 sets:
10 Bear Crawl Alternating Shoulder Taps (L+R=1)
10 Towel Rows
-rest 1:30 after each set-
3 sets:
15 Wall Tricep Dips
15 Towel Bicep Curls
-rest 1:30 after each set-
3 sets:
30 second Knee Plank
30 second Bear Hover Hold
-rest 1:30 after each set-
Mayhem Moms
3 sets:
10 Pike Push Up or Pike Shoulder Taps (L+R=1) or Bear Crawl Alternating Shoulder Taps (L+R=1)
10 Towel Rows OR Banded Bent Over Row
-rest 1:30 after each set-
3 sets:
15 Chair Dip or Wall Tricep Dips
15 Towel Bicep Curls or Banded Bicep Curls
-rest 1:30 after each set-
3 sets:
50ft Unbroken Object Farmers Carry or High Plank Hold
50ft Unbroken Object Overhead Carry or Pike Hold/Handstand Hold
-rest 1:30 after each set-