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“CFA Anywhere” WOD, July 29, 2024

“CFA Anywhere” – Mon, Jul 29

Warm Up

10 yd walk on toes
10 yd walk to toes backwards
10 yd walk on heels
10 yd walk feet turned out
10 yd walk feet turned in
10 yd lunge walk-arms locked out overhead
10 yd lunge walk – torso twist towards forward leg
10 yd butt kickers
10 yd high knees
10 yd bear crawl forward
10 yd bear crawl backward

2 Rounds:
5 Donkey Kicks (each side)
5 Pike Shrugs
30 Flutter Kicks (total)

Athletes Notes

Bodyweight Metcon
Bodyweight: Bear in the Big Blue House

AMRAP 20 Minutes
400m Run
20 Russian Twists (L+R=1)
5 Pike Push Ups

*RX+ Option: 10 Kipping Handstand Push Ups

Athletes Notes


  • For simplicity we will score the run as every meter counts as a rep.
  • The total # of reps in 1 round is 440.
  • If I complete 4 rounds and in the 5th round I get 200m, then my score is 4 + 200.

Workout Strategy and Flow

  • We have a longer AMRAP today. Remember in these we do not get any built in rest. It really is about just putting our head down and working for the full 20 minutes with very few moments to rest. I recommend if you know you are going to need rest to take short breaks during the transition from one movement to the next.
  • Run – start steady and as the workout goes on, you can speed it up a bit. I would rather you get slightly faster in the last 5 minutes of the workout than start out too hot and get slower for the last half.
  • Russian Twists –> your core will start to get tired as the rounds go on. Don’t let that hurt your form 🙂 These Russian twists will play a factor into your push press, so be mindful of that.
    • Left side + right side is considered 1 rep
  • Pike Push Up – we have been working on our overhead pressing endurance. Now is the chance to put it to the test a bit in the metcon. Be mindful that these can add up quickly, so break them up early on in the 20 minutes. Think sets of 3 and 2 with a quick shake out.


  • Run -→
    • Option 1) Even if you feel like you are “bad” at running, we are going to run today. Run for 2 minutes, no matter the distance OR complete 30 seconds of running, 30 seconds of walking, 30 seconds of running, 30 seconds of walking.
    • Option 2) If you do not have the space to complete the run / there is bad weather / you are injured, you can complete 2 minutes of either High Knees to Lateral Shuffle or High Knees or Skipping in Place
  • Pike Push Ups –>
    • you can scale to 2x Pike Shrugs
    • you can also do these with your feet planted on the ground (not elevated)
    • if you do not feel comfortable inverted you can complete as Incline Push Ups

Backpack Option

AMRAP 20 Minutes
400m Backpack Run
20 Russian Twists (L+R=1)
10 Backpack Shoulder to Overhead


AMRAP 20 Minutes
2 minutes of Standing Marches
20 Heel Taps (L+R=1)
5 Single Arm Object Push Press
5 Single Arm Object Push Press

Mayhem Moms

AMRAP 20 Minutes
2 minutes of either Controlled High Knees to Lateral Shuffle or Skipping in Place
20 Heel Taps (L+R=1)
10 Single Arm Seated Dumbbell Strict Press (left)
10 Single Arm Seated Dumbbell Strict Press (right)

Minimal Metcon
Minimal: Bear in the Big Blue House (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

AMRAP 20 Minutes
400m Run
20 Russian Twists (L+R=1)
10 Dumbbell Push Press (left) (50/35)
10 Dumbbell Push Press (right) (50/35)

Athletes Notes


  • For simplicity we will score the run as every meter counts as a rep.
  • The total # of reps in 1 round is 440.
  • If I complete 4 rounds and in the 5th round I get 200m, then my score is 4 + 200.

Workout Strategy and Flow

  • We have a longer AMRAP today. Remember in these we do not get any built in rest. It really is about just putting our head down and working for the full 20 minutes with very few moments to rest. I recommend if you know you are going to need rest to take short breaks during the transition from one movement to the next.
  • Run – start steady and as the workout goes on, you can speed it up a bit. I would rather you get slightly faster in the last 5 minutes of the workout than start out too hot and get slower for the last half.
  • Russian Twists –> your core will start to get tired as the rounds go on. Don’t let that hurt your form 🙂 These Russian twists will play a factor into your push press, so be mindful of that.
    • Left side + right side is considered 1 rep
  • Single Dumbbell Push Press – we have been working on our overhead pressing endurance. Now is the chance to put it to the test a bit in the metcon. This is going to be a push press (different than the strict press we have been doing). You DO get to use your legs in this movement to dip and drive this dumbbell up off the shoulder and overhead.
  • The weight you select today should allow for you to complete all 10 on each arm unbroken OR only needing to set the dumbbell down 1 time in the single arm push press. We want to minimize the amount of unnecessary resting we are doing or we may miss the purpose of this workout (..to stay moving!!)


  • Run -→
    • Option 1) Even if you feel like you are “bad” at running, we are going to run today. Run for 2 minutes, no matter the distance OR complete 30 seconds of running, 30 seconds of walking, 30 seconds of running, 30 seconds of walking.
    • Option 2) If you do not have the space to complete the run / there is bad weather / you are injured, you can complete 2 minutes of either High Knees to Lateral Shuffle or High Knees or Skipping in Place

Mayhem Moms

AMRAP 20 Minutes
2 minutes of either Controlled High Knees to Lateral Shuffle or Skipping in Place
20 Heel Taps (L+R=1)
10 Single Arm Seated Dumbbell Strict Press (left)
10 Single Arm Seated Dumbbell Strict Press (right)

Bonus Stretching

10 Alternating Scorpion Stretches
2:00 Frog Stretch
10 Alternating Scorpion Stretches

Athletes Notes