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“CFA Anywhere” WOD, July 6, 2024

“CFA Anywhere” – Sat, Jul 6

Warm Up

5:00 Clock
10 Leg Swings (forward and back, each)
5 Single Leg Glute Bridges (each)
5 Elbow to Floor Lunge Stretches (each)
5 Push Ups to Downward Dog
10 Alternating Single Leg RDLs
30 second Run

Athletes Notes

5 Minutes to work through as many rounds as you can.

Bodyweight Metcon
Bodyweight: Strength (Checkmark)

3 Sets:
10 Tempo Push Ups @2121
-rest 1:00 between sets-


3 sets:
10 second bottom of Push Up Hold
10 second top of Push Up Hold (aka High Plank)
-rest 40 seconds between sets-

Athletes Notes

Demo Video

  • Push Ups – this should be done in a tempo of 2121 which means 2 seconds down, pause for 1 second at the bottom, 2 seconds up, pause for 1 second at the top.
  • Ideally for the second part of this strength work, you hold for the entire 10 seconds and transition yourself straight from the bottom of the hold into the top. If you HAVE to take a break and shake it out, do it quickly.
  • If you need scaling options for these two things, see below in the ‘substitution’ section
  • Bottom of Push Up Hold
  • Top of Push Up Hold AKA High Plank Hold


10 Tempo Push Ups @2121
-rest 1:00-
10 Tempo Push Ups @2121
-rest 1:00-
10 Tempo Push Ups @2121


0:00 – 0:10 bottom of Push Up Hold
0:10 – 0:20 top of Push Up Hold (aka High Plank)
0:20 – 1:00 Rest
1:00 – 1:10 bottom of Push Up Hold
1:10 – 1:20 top of Push Up Hold (aka High Plank)
1:20 – 2:00 Rest
2:00 – 2:10 bottom of Push Up Hold
2:10 – 2:20 top of Push Up Hold (aka High Plank)
2:20 – 3:00 Rest


Backpack Option

3 Sets:
10 Tempo Backpack Push Ups s @2121
-rest 1:00 between sets-


3 sets:
10 second bottom of Push Up Hold (with OR without backpack)
10 second top of Push Up Hold (with OR without backpack)
-rest 40 seconds between sets-


3 Sets:
10 Tempo Elevated Knee Push Ups @2121
-rest 1:00 between sets-


3 sets:
20 second Kneeling High Plank
-rest 40 seconds between sets-

Mayhem Moms

3 Sets:
10 Tempo Knee Push Ups @2121
-rest 1:00 between sets-


3 sets:
10 second Bottom of Push Up Hold – on your knees
10 second Top of Push Up Hold AKA High Plank Hold or Kneeling High Plank
-rest 40 seconds between sets-

Bodyweight: Philadelphia (Time)

For Time:
Jumping Lunges (L+R=1)
*complete 100m Run after each round.

Athletes Notes

Workout Strategy and Flow

  • The workout isn’t going to start until 6-7-8-9. So don’t come out sprinting here. We want to be sustainable in the “easier” first parts so we can be ready in the last part.
  • Jumping Lunge – this is going to start out easy but as the rounds go on, the lunge reps are going to get tougher. Keep in mind that 1 rep is left leg + right leg
  • Run: only 100m, but over the course of the workout it will add up to 900m total. Let’s aim to keep each round a 30 second run. Even as the quads/hamstrings start to fatigue. NOTICE: you complete a 100 after each round…that includes the set of 9. So you end on the run.
  • With the workout increasing in reps, this will be a bit of a mental challenge as well.

1 Jumping Lunge (L+R=1), 100m Run, 2 Jumping Lunges (L+R=1), 100m Run, 3 Jumping Lunges (L+R=1), 100m Run, 4 Jumping Lunges (L+R=1), 100m Run, 5 Jumping Lunges (L+R=1), 100m Run, 6 Jumping Lunges (L+R=1), 100m Run, 7 Jumping Lunges (L+R=1), 100m Run, 8 Jumping Lunges (L+R=1), 100m Run, 9 Jumping Lunges (L+R=1), 100m Run.


  • If you don’t feel confident you can run 100m in around 30 seconds each time, then just go for a run for 30 seconds no matter the distance.
  • If due to weather or injury you cannot run, then complete 30 seconds of High Knees OR High Knees to Lateral Shuffle


For Time:
Wall Assisted Split Squats (Each)
Complete 30 seconds of Standing Marches after each round.

Mayhem Moms

For Time:
Bodyweight Split Squat (each side)
Complete 30 seconds of Controlled High Knees to Lateral Shuffle OR Skipping in Place after each round.

Minimal Metcon
Minimal: Strength (3 Rounds for reps)

3 Sets:
10 Tempo Dumbbell Floor Press @2121
-rest 1:00 between sets-


3 sets:
10 second bottom of Push Up Hold
10 second top of Push Up Hold (aka High Plank)
-rest 40 seconds between sets-

Athletes Notes

Demo Video

  • Dumbbell Floor Press – this should be done in a tempo of 2121 which means 2 seconds down, pause for 1 second at the bottom, 2 seconds up, pause for 1 second at the top.
  • Ideally for the second part of this strength work, you hold for the entire 10 seconds and transition yourself straight from the bottom of the hold into the top. If you HAVE to take a break and shake it out, do it quickly.
  • If you need scaling options for these two things, see below in the ‘substitution’ section
  • Bottom of Push Up Hold
  • Top of Push Up Hold AKA High Plank Hold


10 Tempo Dumbbell Floor Press @2121
-rest 1:00-
10 Tempo Dumbbell Floor Press @2121
-rest 1:00-
10 Tempo Dumbbell Floor Press @2121


0:00 – 0:10 bottom of Push Up Hold
0:10 – 0:20 top of Push Up Hold (aka High Plank)
0:20 – 1:00 Rest
1:00 – 1:10 bottom of Push Up Hold
1:10 – 1:20 top of Push Up Hold (aka High Plank)
1:20 – 2:00 Rest
2:00 – 2:10 bottom of Push Up Hold
2:10 – 2:20 top of Push Up Hold (aka High Plank)
2:20 – 3:00 Rest


Mayhem Moms

3 Sets:
10 Tempo DB Incline Bench Press OR DB Physioball Bench Press @2121
-rest 1:00 between sets-


3 sets:
10 second Bottom of Push Up Hold – on your knees
10 second Top of Push Up Hold AKA High Plank Hold or Kneeling High Plank
-rest 40 seconds between sets-

Minimal: Philadelphia (Time)

For Time:
Double Dumbbell Power Cleans (2×50/35)
*complete 100m Run after each round.

Athletes Notes

Workout Strategy and Flow

  • The workout isn’t going to start until 6-7-8-9. So don’t come out sprinting here. We want to be sustainable in the “easier” first parts so we can be ready in the last part.
  • Dumbbell Power Clean – this is going to start out easy but as the rounds go on, the dumbbell power cleans are going to get tougher.
  • Run: only 100m, but over the course of the workout it will add up to 900m total. Let’s aim to keep each round a 30 second run. Even as the legs/hamstrings start to fatigue. NOTICE: you complete a 100 after each round…that includes the set of 9. So you end on the run.
  • With the workout increasing in reps, this will be a bit of a mental challenge as well.

1 Dumbbell Power Cleans, 100m Run, 2 Dumbbell Power Cleans, 100m Run, 3 Dumbbell Power Cleans, 100m Run, 4 Dumbbell Power Cleans, 100m Run, 5 Dumbbell Power Cleans, 100m Run, 6 Dumbbell Power Cleans, 100m Run, 7 Dumbbell Power Cleans, 100m Run, 8 Dumbbell Power Cleans, 100m Run, 9 Dumbbell Power Cleans, 100m Run.


  • If you don’t feel confident you can run 100m in around 30 seconds each time, then just go for a run for 30 seconds no matter the distance.
  • If due to weather or injury you cannot run, then complete 30 seconds of High Knees OR High Knees to Lateral Shuffle

Mayhem Moms

For Time:
Dumbbell Power Clean OR if you cannot bend all the way over complete as Double Dumbbell Hang Power Clean
Complete 30 seconds of Controlled High Knees to Lateral Shuffle OR Skipping in Place after each round.

Bonus Stretching

1:00 Pancake Stretch – sink further into the stretch throughout the minute
1:00 Chest Stretch (each)
1:00 Child’s Pose

Athletes Notes