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“CFA Anywhere” WOD, June 19, 2024

“CFA Anywhere” – Wed, Jun 19

Warm Up

3 Rounds:
3 Dynamic Squat Stretches
5 Elbow to Floor Lunge Stretches (each)
5 Single Leg Glute Bridges (each)
5 Jumping Split Squat (each)
5 SLOW Towel Rows / Banded Rows / Crush Grip Dumbbell Rows

Athletes Notes

5 Minutes to work through as many rounds as you can.

Bodyweight Metcon
Bodyweight: Squat Strength (3 Rounds for reps)

3 sets:
Pause Air Squats @ 50% of Test Rep #
-rest 2:00 between sets-

*pause for 3 seconds in bottom of squat*

Athletes Notes


  • Score what rep # you did for each set.

Demo Video

  • Air Squats – pause for 3 seconds in the bottom of the squat.


  • Everyone will have a different rep # based on the number you got on the Tempo Test on June 7. You will take 50% of your test number and complete that over each of the 3 sets. For example if your test number on June 7 was 16 then you will complete 8 reps each set.

Pause Air Squats @ 50% of Test Rep #
-rest 2:00-
Pause Air Squats @ 50% of Test Rep #
-rest 2:00-
Pause Air Squats @ 50% of Test Rep #
-rest 2:00-

If you don’t have a test # from June 7, follow one of these rep schemes

Beginner: 7 reps
Intermediate: 10 reps
Advanced: 15 reps

Backpack Option

3 sets:
Pause Backpack Back Squat @ 50% of Test Rep #
-rest 2:00 between sets-

–pause for 3 seconds in bottom of squat


3 sets:
Pause Squat to Chair @ 50% of Test Rep #
-rest 2:00 between sets-

–pause for 3 seconds in bottom of squat

Mayhem Moms

No modification. You may place chair under butt if needed and lightly rest on chair for 3 seconds at bottom. This is only if you need added balance assistance.

Bodyweight: “Pez” (Time)

For Total Time
AMRAP 60 seconds
15 Towel Rows or Banded Bent Over Rows
-rest 60 seconds between sets-

Continue until 100 V-Ups have been completed.

(RX+ Option: Kipping Pull Ups)

Score = total time to complete (including rest)

Athletes Notes


  • Today we are scoring the total time it takes us to get to 100 V-Ups, including all of the rest.

Workout Strategy and Flow

  • Towel Rows or Banded Bent Over Row – you should choose a style of rowing that you feel confident completing big sets with. Either 15 unbroken or 2 quick sets of 8 + 7. We want to get done with these quickly so we can get to the V-ups.
    • ONLY complete RX+ Option of Kipping Pull Up if you are extremely proficient at this movement.
  • V-Up – we want to accumulate 100 as quickly as we can, BUT we need to self evaluate before we start to form a strategy that works best for us. If you know that doing a HUGE set in the first minute is going to cause you to really struggle on the remaining V-ups, then it would be smarter to just do small sets to start off with.

0:00 – 1:00 Complete 15 Towel Rows then in the time remaining accumulate as many V-Ups as possible.

1:00 – 2:00 Rest

2:00 – 3:00 Complete 15 Towel Rows then in the time remaining accumulate as many V-Ups as possible…picking up on the rep you left off on.

3:00 – 4:00 rest

Continue this until you have reached 100 total V-Up Reps

  • If you get to 99 reps, and the 60 second clock stops, then you must rest and repeat the 15 rows just to complete 1 V-Up rep.

Backpack Option

For Total Time
AMRAP 60 seconds
15 Backpack Bent Over Row
AMRAP Backpack Sit Up
-rest 60 seconds between sets-

Continue until 100 Backpack Sit Up have been completed.


For Total Time
AMRAP 60 seconds
15 Towel Rows
AMRAP Quarter Sit Ups
-rest 60 seconds between sets-

Continue until 100 Quarter Sit Ups have been completed.

Mayhem Moms

For Total Time
AMRAP 60 seconds
15 Towel Rows or Banded Bent Over Row
AMRAP Modified Flutter Kick
-rest 60 seconds between sets-

Continue until 100 Modified Flutter Kick have been completed.

Minimal Metcon
Minimal: Squat Strength (3 Rounds for reps)

3 sets:
Double Dumbbell Pause Front Squats @ 50% of Test Rep #
-rest 2:00 between sets-

*pause for 3 seconds in bottom of squat*

Athletes Notes

Demo Video


  • Everyone will have a different rep # based on the number you got on the Tempo Test on June 7. You will take 50% of your test number and complete that over each of the 3 sets. For example if your test number on June 7 was 16 then you will complete 8 reps each set.

Double Dumbbell Pause Front Squats @ 50% of Test Rep #
-rest 2:00-
Double Dumbbell Pause Front Squats @ 50% of Test Rep #
-rest 2:00-
Double Dumbbell Pause Front Squats @ 50% of Test Rep #
-rest 2:00-

If you don’t have a test # from June 7, follow one of these rep schemes

Beginner: 6 reps
Intermediate: 9 reps
Advanced: 12 reps

Mayhem Moms

No modification. You may place chair under butt if needed and lightly rest on chair for 3 seconds at bottom. This is only if you need added balance assistance.

Minimal: Pez (Time)

For Total Time
AMRAP 60 seconds
15 Double Dumbbell Bent Over Rows (2×50/35)
-rest 60 seconds between sets-

Continue until 100 V-Ups have been completed.

Score = total time to complete (including rest)

Athletes Notes


  • Today we are scoring the total time it takes us to get to 100 V-Ups, including all of the rest.

Workout Strategy and Flow

  • Double Dumbbell Bent Over Row – you should choose a weight you feel confident completing big sets with. Either 15 unbroken or 2 quick sets of 8 + 7. We want to get done with these quickly so we can get to the v-ups.
  • V-Up – we want to accumulate 100 as quickly as we can, BUT we need to self evaluate before we start to form a strategy that works best for us. If you know that doing a HUGE set in the first minute is going to cause you to really struggle on the remaining v-ups, then it would be smarter to just do small sets to start off with.

0:00 – 1:00 Complete 15 Double Dumbbell Bent Over Rows then in the time remaining accumulate as many V-Ups as possible.

1:00 – 2:00 Rest

2:00 – 3:00 Complete 15 Double Dumbbell Bent Over Rows then in the time remaining accumulate as many V-Ups as possible…picking up on the rep you left off on.

3:00 – 4:00 rest

Continue this until you have reached 100 total V-Up Reps

  • If you get to 99 reps, and the 60 second clock stops, then you must rest and repeat the 15 rows just to complete 1 V-Up rep.

Mayhem Moms

For Total Time
AMRAP 60 seconds
15 Double Dumbbell Bent Over Row
AMRAP Modified Flutter Kick
-rest 60 seconds between sets-

Continue until 100 Modified Flutter Kick have been completed.

Longer Cool Down – Enjoy!

7 Minute Clock:
1:00 Seal Stretch
1:00 Frog Stretch
1:00 Elbow to Floor Stretch with Rotation (Left)
1:00 Elbow to Floor Stretch with Rotation (Right)
1:00 Pancake Stretch
1:00 Leaning Child’s Pose (left)
1:00 Leaning Child’s Pose (right)

Athletes Notes