2:00 Bike
10 Groiners
5/5 Knees Over Toes Split Squat
10 Kip Swings
1:00 Bike
5 Air Squat + 5 Narrow Stance Squat
5 Clean Deadlift + 10 Elbow Punches
6 Big Kip Swings
6-8 Reps of Pistol Options*
3 Front Squats**
1-3 Bar Muscle-Ups or Strict Pull-Ups
-EZ Bike in Time Remaining-
Narrow Stance Air Squats
Alt. Heel Elevated Pistols
Alt. Plate Weighted Pistols
Single Leg Box Lowers
Single Leg Box Squats
Rig Assisted Pistols
**Start Moderate and build to workout weight. Must come from floor.
(No Measure)
30/25 Cal Bike
20 Alt. Pistols
15 Bar Muscle-Ups
7 Front Squats (205/145)
(Score is Time)
KG BB: (100/70)
*Workout inspired by the original 'Nasty Girls'
25/20 Cal Bike
20 Narrow Stance Air Squats
15 Strict Pull-Ups
7 Front Squat (145/100)
(Score is Time)
KG BB: (65/45)
*Workout inspired by the original 'Nasty Girls'
10 Alt. Pistols or Narrow Stance Air Squats
6 Bar Muscle-Ups or Strict Pull-Ups
4 Front Squats (Athlete Choice)
*P1 works while P2 completes Max Cal Bike. Once P1 has completed a full round, partners switch.
(Score is Total Cals)
5 As w/Light Weight
5 Ts w/Light Weight
5 Ys w/Light Weight
15 Banded Upright Rows
1:00 Child’s Pose w/Lat Stretch
-Rest as Needed b/t Sets-
(No Measure)