2-3 ROUNDS (Time Permitting)
:30 Bike*
10 PVC Pass Through
5 PVC Muscle Snatch
5 PVC Snatch Grip Push Jerk
7 Up-Downs
7 Scap Pull-Ups + 5 Kip Swings*
*Build pace each round (EZ→Mod→Hard)
**RND 2+3 complete 7 Ring Rows + 5 Kip Swings.
5 Hang Power Snatches*
Gymnastics Pulling**
*Start at workout weight and build slightly past.
**Gymnastics Pulling Options:
3-5 Up-Down Pull-Ups
3-5 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups
1-3 Bar Muscle-Ups
(No Measure)
21/16 Cal Bike
15 Hang Power Snatch (95/65)
9 Bar Muscle-Ups
(Score is Time)
KG BB: (42.5/30)
15/12 Cal Bike
15 Hang Power Snatch (65/45)
9 Up-Down Pull-Ups
(Score is Time)
KG BB: (30/20)
15/12 Cal Bike
12 Hang Power Snatch (Athlete Choice, Light)
9 Bar Muscle-Ups or Up-Down Pull-Ups
*Complete waterfall style. P1 completes 15/12 Cal Bike while P2 rests. P2 then completes 15 Hang Power Snatches while P1 rests. P1 the completes 9 Bar Muscle-Ups or Up-Down Pull-Ups while P2 Rests. P2 then completes 15/12 Cal Bike and so on.
(Score is Time)
:30 Wrist Flexion Stretch (Palms Up)
1:00 Foam Roll
:30 Wrist Extension Stretch (Palms Down)
1:00 Slow Glute Bridge-Ups*
*Option to place a band or hip circle above knees.
-Rest as Needed b/t Sets-
(No Measure)