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CrossFit WOD, October 10, 2019

10 Oct 2019

10 Push Jerk + 1 Split Jerk (3x[(10@54%, 1@84%)])
Perform 10 Push Jerks then increase weight and perform 1 Split Jerk.
Set of 10, rest, set of 1, rest

Metcon (Time)
For Time
30 MBC (20/14)
30/15 Ring Dips
20 MBC
20/10 Ring Dips
10 MBC
10/5 Ring Dips

First sets of 30/30
MBCs need to be done in 2, max 3 sets
Ring dips need to be done in 3-5 sets in the beginning

less sets as workouts hit lower numbers

Metcon (Time)
For Time
30 MBC (20/14)
30/15 Ring Dips
20 MBC
20/10 Ring Dips
10 MBC
10/5 Ring Dips

First sets of 30/30
MBCs need to be done in 2, max 3 sets
Ring dips need to be done in 3-5 sets in the beginning

less sets as workouts hit lower numbers