CrossFit – Tue, Oct 4
<p>3-4 ROUNDS (Time Permitting)<br />:30 Row @ Mod Pace<br />10 Lunge + PVC Pass Through*<br />8 Up-Downs<br />6 Push-Up to Pike</p><p>*Rnd 3+4 complete PVC Overhead Squats.<br /> </p>
Metcon (Weight)
<p>EVERY 1:30 x 7 SETS*<br />1 Power Snatch<br />+<br />1 Deep Hang Power Snatch</p><p>*Start Moderate and build to Moderate-Heavy. Catch at parallel or slightly above.</p><p>(Score is Weight)</p><p>Week 5 of 9<br /> </p>
Metcon (8 Rounds for reps)
<p>4 ROUNDS FOR TIME<br />15/12 Cal Row<br />7 Power Snatches (115/75)|(75/55)</p><p>-Rest 2:00-</p><p>4 ROUNDS FOR TIME<br />15 Up-Downs Over Bar<br />7 Power Snatches</p><p>(Score is Total Time)</p><p>KG BB: (52.5/35)|(35/25)<br /> </p>