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CrossFit WOD, August 12, 2020

12 Aug 2020

Metcon (Time)
500 Meter Row
20 Clean and Jerks (135/95) [95/65]

Rest 2 Minutes

20 Clean and Jerks
500 Meter Row

If your Grace time isn’t sub 3 do not do this RX+
12 MIN CAP (Firm – this includes the rest)
Choose a weight that would allow you to do these reps unbroken or in fast singles once you get tired

Core Work
Metcon (Time)
3 Rounds
10 Hollow Rocks
10 V-Ups
10 Russian Twists
10 Shoulder Taps

Class Clock
0-10 WU
10-14 WOD Demo/Prep
14-26 WOD
26-28 Core Prep
28-38 Core
38-42 Stretch
42-55 Cleanup