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CrossFit WOD, July 8, 2020

8 July 2020

Metcon (AMRAP – Reps)
4 Rounds
400 Meter Run
ME STOH (115.75)[95/65]

ME = you cannot put the bar down; once you do…you run!
GOAL is 80+ Reps = if you dont believe you can get at least an avegare of 20 reps per round, scale your weight

Core Work
3 Rounds
:20 Plank
20 Grasshoppers
30 Russian Twists

Class Clock
0-10 WU
10-14 WOD Demo/Prep
14-29 WOD
29-34 Core Demo/Prep
34-40 Core
44-45 Stretch
45-55 Cleanup